Saturday, February 4, 2012


For the first time I just felt like posting a blog without a real thought behind I decided to get creative. I'm just going to quickly share some facts that most don't know about me, about 90% of which are true. Don't worry, I'll keep them interesting. (oh and in case you are confused by the title, I decided whenever I don't have a good/clever title for a post, I'm just going to use roman numerals. so this is "I")

1) I've eaten pig heart before. Not terrible in taste, but pretty chewy. Chicken hearts are much better.

2) I used to be quite the Star Wars geek. Elementary-Middle School I was all about it. Yes, I even was Anakin  for Halloween in 5th grade. Although I have for the most part grown out of it, I still secretly aspire to be Han Solo one day. Oh and in case you were wondering, I like the old ones better than the new ones.

3) This is, in fact, what I would look like if I were a ginger.

Credit to Daryn Frischknecht for the photo.

4) I follow blogs and twitter accounts with names like "How to talk to girls at parties" but unlike you would assume from the name, it's not about how to pick up on ladies. It's a casual men's wear blog, others include "Sartorially Inclined" "Selectism" and "Brandish". I don't profess to be any sort of fashion guru, but I like to try and look my best.

5) I believe cars should have names, female ones preferably, because they embody attributes of women so well.
 1-They make our lives so much more enjoyable
 2-If you treat them right, they will treat you right
 3-They take up so much of my money.
Ok, that last one was kind of in jest, I've never had a girlfriend that sucked my wallet dry. But in case you're curious, my Civic's name is ZuZu.

6) Most of my nicknames in life have come from basketball team-mates, included on the list were: Jamestown, Jamo, King James (LeBron reference), and Ogre...actually Ogre stuck with me for a few years, on and off the court. Ask me about it someday.

7) I love black and white movies, I grew up on them. If you love black and white movies, odds are I love you too.

8) I won my science fair with my Entomology project as a youth, including diagrams, displays, and examples of specimens.  I only won because my mom wouldn't let me stop at just my bug collection and one poster. Maybe I should give my medal to her...   Love you mom.

9) I pick up on things pretty quickly, not bragging, just stating facts. Specifically when it comes to girls.  So if you're an old crush of mine reading this, I was on to you...what you probably perceived as me being clueless or not taking a hint, was in all actuality just me deciding you didn't deserve to get off the hook so easily. I guarantee it.

10) I create the soundtrack to my life.  I have a vast musical library and I am familiar enough with it that whatever mood I'm in, I can find a song to enhance that mood, and I do it often.

11) I recently swore off Facebook Stalking. I don't care if it's socially acceptable now, it's weird. it's creepy. and what does that say about society that we have allowed it to become socially acceptable? No, not me, I already feel better about it because now when I ask a girl what are her favorite books, I don't secretly already know that it's the Hunger Games, or that she loves Mumford and Sons. I feel more genuine. Also I feel like I can trace Facebook Stalking to me having developed what I call "Premature Crushes" on a couple girls. This is where I go on one date, liked it, then I learn so much more about her from her profile that by our second date I'm already in love with her...nope, not happening any more. (To clarify, that doesn't mean that once I have gotten to know her fairly well that I won't look through her albums of her trip to Europe, or the one titled "Summer 2011", but that's only once I know her in real life. Massive difference.)

12) I am an early-bird in denial. I know that I am much more productive in the morning, but I love staying up late.

13) As you can tell from just this blog entry, my favorite punctuation mark is the ellipsis (...), just reviewing this post I was surprised how many times I've used it. I feel like I use it to create either dramatic or comedic pauses, but they're probably not always interpreted that way.

13) My time is about up, so that brings this little experiment to a close. I hope you enjoyed it.


  1. I enjoyed it thoroughly James. By the way, I feel like I go overkill on ellipses too. They just speak so well for themselves. Thanks to you, now I know what they're called...

  2. The photo scared me. Who are you and what have done with my son?
    Where's my medal? : )
